Fri3design Education: Teaching the Fusion of Physicality and Digital through Recreation

An Innovative 3D Design Educational Program by Takashi Terada

The idea of Fri3design Education was born out of a desire to bridge the gap between digital technology and physical play. Takashi Terada, a renowned designer and Frisbee enthusiast, noticed the lack of communication and interaction among children in the real world, despite being connected through digital networks. Determined to change this, Terada developed an educational program that combines the excitement of Frisbee with the creativity of 3D modeling and printing.

What sets Fri3design Education apart is its unique approach to learning. By incorporating Frisbees as the subject, Terada taps into the natural inclination of elementary school children to explore and engage with their surroundings using their bodies. Through hands-on activities and exercises, students are able to develop their spatial perception, imagination, and physical senses.

The program begins with students creating their own Frisbees using 3D printing technology. This not only allows them to unleash their creativity but also provides an opportunity to understand the design and flight characteristics of the Frisbee. Terada, with his expertise in free style Frisbee and 3D modeling, guides the students in mastering unique throwing techniques, tricks, and creative ways to play the game.

One of the key challenges Terada faced was gaining support from the local elementary school in his depopulated town. Instead of a one-time workshop, he proposed incorporating the Fri3design Education program into the school's general curriculum, ensuring its continuity and impact. With the support of the principal and the Board of Education, the program became an annual event, allowing more students to benefit from the fusion of physicality and digital.

Through Fri3design Education, students not only learn valuable skills in 3D modeling and digital fabrication but also develop a deeper appreciation for the importance of physical engagement and sensory experiences. By combining technology with physical play, Terada has created an educational program that not only stimulates the mind but also nurtures the body.

The success of Fri3design Education has been recognized by the prestigious A' Design Award, where it was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Education, Teaching Aid, and Training Content Design category in 2019. This accolade acknowledges the program's innovative and practical approach, as well as its contribution to creating a better world through education.

As Fri3design Education continues to inspire and empower young minds, Takashi Terada's vision of a world where physicality and digital technology coexist harmoniously is becoming a reality.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Takashi Terada
Image Credits: Takashi Terada
Project Team Members: Takashi Terada
Project Name: Fri3design Education
Project Client: Takashi Terada

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